Sunday, January 12, 2014

Low Impact Sundays

      Ever have one of those days that tests you? That the universe says “I’m going to let everything just go wrong and  test your patience to see how much you can take?” Yeah I had one of those days yesterday and I woke up still feeling that way. When I get into funks like this, I usually can hit the gym and snap out of it. We shall see!!  How do you snap out of funks?  I am looking forward to a major sweat session at the gym!! As I said I like to wake up and eat and enjoy my breakfast (oatmeal  and coffee of course!!) then sit and digest and then hit the gym. My weekends are so routine. I tell my husband that we are the oldest 30 something’s ever…I tell him we are 90! My Grandmother who is 85 has a better social life than us!!  There was a time when I must have called her for something and left her a message. Than we do our thing and go to sleep. I wake up the next morning to a message on my answering machine from her saying how she just got in and blah blah blah. I turned to Eddie and said “We were asleep before my 83 (at the time) year old Grandmother. What is wrong with this picture?

Are you guys early birds or nightowls?

Low impact Sundays

    So one of the questions that were asked of me is if I knew of any good low impact workouts. A lot of people have problems with their joints and still want to work out but they do not know where to start. I am going to start a segment on my blog called “Low Impact Sundays.” Sundays are days people tend to relax and take it easy, so I thought it fit. Also, most people tend to start a new routine on Monday so if you read something here you like on Sunday, you are armed and ready to start it on Monday!

      Today I am going to focus on the one thing that I feel is the most neglected part of our workout routines. We work hard in our sessions and run our bodies to the max, but then we do not take the time to give it some TLC at the end or beginning of our workouts. What do I mean? We do not stretch our bodies. Stretching is so important on its own and at the end of each workout. It helps get rid of the some of the lactic acid we build up when we workout. Have you ever noticed after a hard sweat session that the next day the parts you work are tightened up? That is because you did not stretch them properly when you are done.

    Stretching though can be a workout on its own. Miranda Esmonde White (who was a ballerina) created a no impact workout which focuses on stretching which is called…wait for it… Classical Stretch Smile.  It is a combination of tai chi and yoga and stretching. It is an excellent workout on its own that you can do in your living room. Before my surgery, I used to do it every morning before getting ready for work. It really helps people young, old, male or female. Stretching can help prevent injury and this program I have seen help people bounce back from injury. My mom (hi mom!) has sciatica in her back and she couldn’t bend down. After doing this program every day for about a month she was able to squat down and get back up no problem. Being a dancer I know how important stretching is and now that I am cleared, I plan on starting this program up every day. Best part? it is about 20-25 minutes long. And don’t be fooled, this program isn’t easy, you will work and some of the programs you might even sweat a little. But it is easy. All it requires is a chair, a mat (if you want) and that is it. No shoes!  Check your cable provider because if you have NYCHD it is on every morning (except Saturdays) from 6-6:30 am. If you do not, she sells DVD’s or if you live near me, I have some of the shows on DVD I can lend you.


Happy Stretching Smile

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