Thursday, April 17, 2014

Don’t rely solely on the scale

So yes I have been MIA my friends and I am so sorry. My life has been chaotic the last few weeks. Class, dance, PT, training, work and some personal things. Hopefully things will start to calm down. I have one more week of class (with a week to breathe before my summer I class starts). The 25 page thesis final for my social media class has taken a lot of my time but in a good way. It solidifies that that is what I want to do with my life!

So aside from that, we are getting ready for our showcase which has been pushed back again to May 30th. That is okay though because I think we are just going to get stronger and rock it out when we are ready. My ankle still needs some prep work anyway. I had the pleasure of doing walking lunges in heels at PT on Tuesday. I must have been a sight!! On top of that there is baby showers, Easter, and just every day shenanigans to deal with!


Okay so lately I have been noticing that my scale has been skyrocketing. Now yes, I lost a lot of weight post-surgery and I believe my body is just still coming back up to that, but it still sucks and it still stresses me out. I am too much of a scale watcher and not enough of a body watcher. I have upped the intensity of my workouts these last few weeks and it is starting to show. With that I am gaining some hardcore muscle and that my friends will make the scale go up. Yes a pound is a pound so obviously a pound of fat cannot weigh more than a pound of muscle, but muscle is denser so if you fill the space up with muscle that had fat, it will result in the scale not moving or going up.

So anyways I was getting pretty stressed out because my eating habits have not changed and yet the scale was going up. I was eating more but that is because my workouts increased. But today, I said to myself to take my measurements and see if they changed. My waist and hips and leg measurements were exactly as they were which definitely made me believe that yes it was just muscle gain. Then the big test today:

I went into my training session expecting to do weight training so I didn't take my inhaler (for my exercise induced asthma). Well lo and behold we were told we were doing circuit training and it was going to be very heavy on the cardio so i was nervous that I wasn't going to make it through but I don't quit so I went for it. Bam! I made it through like a rockstar and I barely was breathing heavy at all. My heart rate was high but not too high and i felt great after! Here's to getting through another obstacle without needing my inhaler! Now I don't know if I can go run a marathon without it but it is great that these training sessions are really paying off. I am sad that we only have a few more left .

So my conditioning is better, I look in the mirror and my abs are flatter and more muscular than ever, and my clothes are fitting the same if not better.

SO moral of the story? You cannot always rely on a scale to determine how you are doing. You can lose weight but it could just be water weight or muscle tone. You can gain weight and again it could be water weight or muscle tone. You need to go more on how your clothes fit and be mindful of your measurements.

Okay that is it!

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