So we did not get to dance last week because we got locked out of the studio. Bummer! We went there expecting to have to convince our teacher to let us do the showcase coming up in June. Turns out nope, he came to us and said “I went to get the two of you out there, so you are going to the showcase March 28th”….umm what? That was like no time! So that means we are in serious crunch time. We went last night and we started choreographing our number. Luckily we only have to do one song (we thought we had to do two) but still it is going to be a feat! I pray we get through it because other than our wedding dance, Ed has never done choreography and I do not want my technique to go out the window trying to get the dance together. But I am so excited because this is what we want to do!! We have been waiting for this chance!
So I started a personal training class at my job. I work at a college and the personal training students do a “student teaching” type program where they train employees. I thought I got this, I work with a personal trainer already and do Insanity type workouts so this should be a piece of cake! I got my assessments which was great (minus my hamstring flexibility but I always knew that was bad and my balance which is still coming back). Well I went in and trained with the trainer and my friend Stacey on Tuesday and let me tell you, this guy is crazy but in a good way! I was drenched and felt sore in a good way and I go back this afternoon (this post was written Thursday before work but not posted until later) Additional edit…it is now later and oww that was a rough but awesome workout! I am looking forward to showing my before and after progress numbers after the final assessment!!
National Eating Disorder week.
Warning, this is a partial vent and partially thoughts about me. This is not your typical “nutritionist next door” fun hour.
So it is National Eating Disorder Awareness week. No matter who we are, there has been some time where we compare ourselves to someone else. Magazine covers showing airbrushed size 00 models does not help the situation. New words like “thigh gap” have graced our presence and girls younger and younger are succumbing to this “perfect” body idea. Kids are growing up too fast these days and it is sad. Now since it is Eating Disorder Awareness week, I am going to share my story which I never really shared with anyone. No I was never anorexic or bulimic, but there was a time in college where I became obsessed with what I ate. I thought that I had to be “the skinny girl” and that was the only thing that defined me. I became obsessed with staying that way. Now, I still ate every three hours (I had to because I am hypoglycemic) but I watched carefully what I ate and felt guilty if I strayed off course. This is not the way for a 20 year old to think. It was like a radio that turned on in my head that I had to listen to telling me what I could and could not eat. It was affecting my relationship with my boyfriend at the time and affecting me on the inside. I had to learn that no one is perfect. You just have to try and be the best version of yourself. There are still days that I look in the mirror and I do not like what I see, but I know that I eat well, I treat myself during the week and I workout and stay in shape. I am becoming the best version of myself and that is all anyone can be.
Now some of you might say, “So you are skinny, so really what struggles have you faced?” It is the opposite of someone who is overweight who has gained weight, people get concerned. When I loose weight, I am instantly anorexic and not eating. Now if you know me, I eat….all day long. In fact most weekdays, you can set your watch to my eating schedule because it is the same time every day. Now when I had my surgery I lost 6 pounds, but it was mostly muscle mass which I am still gaining back but I got slack for it. People are constantly scrutinizing what I am eating, when I am eating just because I am thin or people say things to me like “you can’t possibly understand because you are soo thin” Thin does not mean you do not struggle. I was born thin but I have grown into being thin and healthy there is a difference. Just because you are thin doesn’t mean you are healthy and just because you may have additional weight doesn’t mean you are not healthy. Society has put these thoughts in our head and it is horrible to think that way.
Okay Vent over. My point of this post is that you shouldn’t compete with others you should only try to be the best version of yourself and be the healthiest version of you. Some people will never be a size 2 or 4 (of if they are they are not healthy) you need to be the healthiest version of you no matter what size you are. Do not let that define you. J